Qualification Addendum B: Guaranteed Slots

Preface: we have not made it more difficult to qualify for The Online Championships. If you’re already qualified through the current criteria, rest easy. This post is not for you.

The Standard Criteria

At the Qualifier, teams can earn a spot at the Online Championship by having a winning record at the end of the tournament. Under this rule alone, a team finishing 3-3 would not earn a qualification to the Online Championship.

The Additional Criteria: Guaranteed Slots

The following qualification addendum applies to both of the Online Qualifiers.

In each debate event, the top four debate teams without winning records will also earn a spot at the Online Championship.

This makes your speaker point performance throughout the tournament very important. Aside from your wins/losses, your speaker points/ranks are the greatest determiner of your overall rank at the end of prelims. For those that are on the margins, a strong speaking performance can become the tipping point for a nationals qualification.

As always, contact us with any questions.