This Is the New Ace Peak

After months of phone conversations, planning, and computer coding, the new Ace Peak has arrived.

Here's what's different.

1. Drew Magness.

Drew is a brilliant competitor and an awesome person. We spent countless hours together in coaching sessions and he ended his season as one of the most decorated national champions of all time. As a coach, Drew's enthusiasm, humble attitude, and compassion for others make him a perfect fit for Ace Peak. We both recognize that debate is a life-transforming activity. Together, Drew and I will be bringing the best in debate instruction for years to come.


The moment Drew won both LD and Parli speaks at NITOC 2018.

If you're already one of Drew's students, welcome to Ace Peak! You can book Drew by selecting "Book a Session" and selecting him when in that first category. Our booking system allows you to set, cancel, or reschedule sessions up to 24 hours before that session starts. For more information, check out our "How Coaching Works" page, or contact us directly.

2. Everything is shiny.

I've spent time making the new site as user friendly as possible. As a coach, I use a 5-tiered strategy to target students' immediate area of improvement: and now I'm sharing it with the world. Check out the Ace Peak Method, just past our coaching bios on the front page. Additionally, the blog has been redesigned and easier to interact with than ever before. 

If you notice a glitch, let us know! We get that sometimes a website will be coded to perform perfectly on one browser or device, but will still look glitchy on others. Let us know if you bump into anything on the site that seems out of place.

3. Coaching Subscriptions.

Our coaching rates are locked in for the 2018-19 season, and alongside we've added monthly subscriptions. Choose from silver subscriptions (4 hours a month) and gold subscriptions (8 hours a month) to nail down a consistent coaching schedule for your season. The more consistently we meet, the easier it will be to measure your progress and maximize your potential. Silver subscriptions are best for speech students; gold for debaters.

4. Ace Peak Live

Soon, we're going to have a page up with information on how to bring Drew and Joseph to a camp near you. Drew and I are running over a dozen camps this summer individually, but we are going to be hosting speech and debate workshops coast-to-coast through the fall, winter, and spring months. Talk to your local club, and reach out if you'd be interested in bringing us in for a camp!

The 2018-19 season doesn't even know what's coming. I care so much about all of you, and I already see this year as an open road with a blue sky. Together, Drew and I are going to make you awesome.