An End and a Beginning.

The Online Championship (for NCFCA debaters) has concluded. What now?

The 2019-2020 Season is Over

What started like any other season ground to a halt when COVID-19 arrived in the United States. This historic crisis has touched every aspect of our lives. The cancellation of the national tournament was incredibly disappointing, but a necessary step to keep everyone safe and healthy. This community admirably adapted and supported each other in this difficult time.

Debate is one of the most valuable things anyone can do with their time. The choices you made as the season ended confirmed your belief in this activity and in each other. You refused to let this pandemic keep you from giving this season the sendoff it deserved, and for that, we are incredibly proud and grateful.  

Special Thanks

As always, there are many thank-yous to go around. We are thankful to the students who pressed on through the obstacles of these times to compete, and we are thankful to the parents who helped judge every single debate round. Two more people that deserve special mention:

  • Kim Cromer. On behalf of the NCFCA, the president enthusiastically supported The Online Championship and was instrumental in getting the word out to affiliates. Thank you, Kim!

  • Isaac Sommers. Isaac has been serving this community with an online debate venue for years. His expertise was the reason these tournaments went as smoothly and professionally as they did. Please be sure to continue participating in Ziggy Online Debate in the future.

Final Updates

Ballots have been sent and the leaderboards are updated. Check out the final rounds below.

Our Biggest Announcement Ever

Today we're revealing the most significant thing we've launched since the very beginning of Ace Peak. We've been working tirelessly over the last few months to get it ready. Now that we're in the final 24 hours, we're on pins-and-needles.

Get excited, and stay tuned for the complete reveal Sunday at 6pm CST.

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