Stoa TP and NSDA LD Case: End Fossil Fuel Subsidies

NSDA and NCFCA are separate debate leagues, the main difference being that NSDA exists for public school students, and NCFCA exists for homeschool students.

For the 2019-20 year, NCFCA TP is using the following resolution:

“Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its energy policy.”

Meanwhile, for December 2019 NSDA LD is using the following resolution:

“Resolved: The United States ought to eliminate subsidies for fossil fuels.”

It’s quite the coincidence that NSDA’s resolution fits cleanly into NCFCA’s, but I’ve taken full advantage of it. Here is a case that can apply to both of these resolutions.

NSDA LDers: Last time, we discussed the fact that you have a policy resolution in an LD format. Next time, we’ll talk about how to convert a case like this one into an LD case.

Have fun!

Joseph AbellComment