Online Winter Camps

This year, we’re excited to offer a range of online summer camps. They all have short, intense schedules that are built from the ground up to take advantage of the online format. Expect innovative lectures, challenging roundtable discussions, and wacky drills that push you to a new level of speaking. And since the internet is cheaper than a physical venue, these camps are more affordable than ever.


Metagame Camp: Build strategies specifically preparing for the most dangerous cases and competitors this season.

The 2021 season is well underway. At Metagame Camp, we’ll discuss the people and cases that are performing well right now - the ones that make your heart sink when you see them on postings. Then we’ll build strategies specifically designed to counter them. If you’re one of those people, learn your biggest weaknesses so you're prepared for them in advance.


Cross-Ex Camp: Develop a toolbox of techniques to outthink and outmaneuver your opponent.

Cross-examination is fast-paced and high stakes. To succeed, you need to develop tactics that guarantee a useful outcome and then practice them until they become instinct. This camp differs from the summer camp with less theory and more challenging drills.


Moot Court Camp: Go deep into the NCFCA Moot Court packet to prepare for a championship spring.

Analyze the evidence and tactics that will matter most to you in 2021. This is an intimate camp that gives you lots of opportunities to speak and ask questions.


Persona Camp: Develop your unique speaking style, and learn how to counter any opponent.

This is a one-day version of our biggest hit from last summer. Learn how to use the four elements to answer almost any question about your delivery - and your opponent’s. If you were at camp last summer, we’ll focus on developing your specific persona and analyze why certain opponents are giving you trouble.


Discounts are available if you sign up early and if a sibling is attending with you. Click an image to learn more.