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Impromptu Speaking Topics | September 2019

Impromptu speaking should be a core part of any student’s daily practice. If you’re new to the blog, click here for an explanation. These topics have also been added to our Impromptu Generator. Enjoy!

Circuit A: Homographs

(Note: Homographs are words that share distinctly different meanings for the same spelling.)

  • Leaves

  • Crane

  • Current

  • Rose

  • Type

  • Tender

  • Deck

  • Hip

  • Racket

  • Hatch

  • Press

  • Squash

  • Draft

  • Stem

  • Well

  • Duck

  • Bow

  • Wind

  • Curry

  • Dash

Circuit B: Jackson Pollock Quotes

  • "The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through."

  • "Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is."

  • "You can't learn techniques and then try to become a painter."

  • "My paintings do not have a center, but depend on the same amount of interest throughout."

  • "The secret of success is to be fully awake to everything about you."

  • "There is no accident, just as there is no beginning and no end."

  • "Love is friendship set to music."

  • "It seems to me that the modern painter cannot express this age, the airplane, the atom bomb, the radio, in the old forms of the Renaissance or of any other past culture."

  • "Abstract painting is abstract. It confronts you."

  • "When I am in a painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing."

  • "It doesn't matter how the paint is put on, as long as something is said."

  • "Painting is no problem. The problem is what to do when you're not painting."

  • "The modern artist is working with space and time and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating."

  • "I have no fear of making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own."

  • "A real friend is someone you say a sentence to and they know ten thousand words behind that sentence."

  • "Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement."

  • "If people would just look at the paintings, I don't think they would have any trouble enjoying them. It's like looking at a bed of flowers, you don't tear your hair out over what it means."

  • "I don't paint nature. I am nature."

  • "Each age finds its own technique."

  • "Art is coming face to face with yourself."

Circuit C: Household Items

  • Door

  • Toaster

  • Shower

  • Floor

  • Carpet

  • Chandelier

  • Bookshelf

  • Wardrobe

  • Couch

  • Desk

  • Loveseat

  • Cushion

  • Broom

  • Laundry detergent

  • Curtain

  • Blanket

  • Electric Plug

  • Vase

  • Television

  • Sink

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